words of encouragement

It isn't fate that puts on weight--it's food, food, food.

A boiled dinner will make you thinner, but run and hide from one that's fried.

You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.

Dieting is not a piece of cake.

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.

Progress Not Perfection

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.

Focus on how you will become successful today and forget about the setbacks from yesterday.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Important Change / announcement

Hi All

I am really sorry, but Claire Todd was the biggest loser, having lost 3lb! Well done to our Lunch Time Supervisor!!!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Second Week weigh in. Happy Birthday Elaine

Well, I am delighted to say everyone managed to weigh in this week! I'm sure it was all down to Claire the "lunch time supervisor" She even managed to get Bev to weigh in. I really do need you to add all the results - muscle, fat, water & calories per day. This way we can totally keep a track on your weight loss. Some weeks you may not lose weight yet your muscle may increase and fat decrease - this is a sign that you're still going in the right direction and will stop you getting disheartened!

I have updated the spreadsheet and you are welcome to look at it anytime. I will try to put it on the P drive but with a protected password???

Its good to see that we have all decided to "pay to weigh" it worked well last year. I have incorporated this on the spread sheet and can easily keep a record of who's paid and who owes. What I think will be good is after saving for a while we treat ourselves to lunch at try Thai or somewhere like that. Cheap & cheerful and can have a few drinks and a good girly chin wag / bitch!!!!

Right now onto the stats:
Biggest loser for our first on many weigh ins is Elaine!! Well done, lets see if you can keep it up, I know you'll have a hard week this week as its your birthday! So Happy Birthday El.
Everyone else all lost weight so well done to all!

he mighty Codd had a good week on the stats too. with a 1.40% reduction in her fat and 0.40% increase in her muscle mass, all going in the right direction. I have to say that of the people who did the full stats its clear that we aren't drinking enough water, Claire's water is only 42.90% and should be around the 60% mark. If you are dehydrated your metabolism slows down, so get drinking. Tea, coffee, juice all add towards your fluid intake. Mine and Frans water % was OK.

Right, onwards and upwards and lets see if we can have another week of losers.

Good luck all

The F@t Controller. x

Sunday, 9 January 2011

New year New start-WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY'S

Happy new year to all followers, after much consideration i have decided to change weigh In's to a Wednesday. This way we will be able to offer Bev the support she needs or drag her to the scales!!

I have also decided to move with the times and have banished the old weigh in cards and opted for a new computer based record, i will show you this on Wednesday.

The rules will be as before either weigh in before your working-day or during break and dinner's ideally you must have someone with you to verify your weight, i am also going to record the fat, muscle and water reading as i am sure this will help.

Just a thought, do you want to start paying for weigh In's again-£1.00 per week.

Good luck to all, bring on weigh in Wednesday.

The fat controller