words of encouragement

It isn't fate that puts on weight--it's food, food, food.

A boiled dinner will make you thinner, but run and hide from one that's fried.

You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.

Dieting is not a piece of cake.

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.

Progress Not Perfection

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.

Focus on how you will become successful today and forget about the setbacks from yesterday.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

26/03 Weigh in

Ladies, a good week to be had by all!!! With not one of us putting weight on, we've all maintained with exception of "me" who has mysteriously lossed another 1lb, making it 1 stone 3lb up to now. Not sure how much more I want to lose as I am happy with what I have achieved so far, but a few more lbs won't hurt!!!!

I still need £2.50 from Claire, Bev and Emma for the fun run, which is Sunday 11th April, you can bring your friends, kids, dogs etc... We don't mind!!! I propose we all run together and have a laugh, its the taking part that counts. Elaine & I have paid for our kids to run it!! Don't be shy!!

Alert - I have noticed that we have been giving in to temptation lately and there has been chocolate bars, brownies and alsorts of sweets being munched on!!! I am guilty of a little gorging myself. But the scales never lie.

You need to ask yourself "Do I want to lose weight?, or am I not bothered what I look like?" If the answer is the latter, then go ahead and eat! I know we all fall off the wagon at times, but we need to get straight back on it.

Its not just about dieting and losing weight, its also about your mental health. The junk foods may taste nice at the time and give you an instant sugar rush, but soon afterwards you will crash and feel irritable and depressed, symptoms which you then mistake for wanting more - a vicious circle!!!

We I won't go on anymore, I know you all know how it works!!!

Oh, found a really nice healthy salad. Chicken and cous cous salad with sweet chili sauce (you have to buy the sauce separate) its lovely and on offer in Asda for £1 - Bargain!!! Ive been living off them for the majority of this week!!

Good luck for weigh in on Friday. xxxx